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latest news / August 14, 2017

Ashland Cherryland Together for Resident Voice

La Familia Residential Survey

Partner Spotlight:

Ashland Cherryland Together Part of Organizing Effort for Resident Voice in the Eden Area:

Residents of Alameda County’s Eden Area are working tirelessly to have a stronger voice in their government. Ashland Cherryland Together (ACT), a community collaborative supported by La Familia staff, along with the Ashland Community Association and other community groups have been supporting residents in advocacy for the establishment of an Eden Municipal Advisory Council (EMAC), a five-person resident council that would have the formal authority to make recommendations to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. The Unincorporated Eden Area refers to the Ashland, Cherrlyand, San Lorenzo, and Hayward Acres – places that aren’t cities and don’t have majors or city council members to speak for their needs.

The organizing team is asking everyone who lives in Ashland, Cherryland, San Lorenzo, or Hayward Acres to complete the survey (pictured above) from the county has been sent out to your home. Residents who would like a body who could advocate for better roads, jobs, and other community needs should fill it out with a YES on question number 5, and a NO on number 6. These questions will determine whether or not the Eden Area get a Municipal Advisory Council.

The organizing team says that mailing your survey back by August 18 is the most important way residents can support establishing the EMAC, but also encourages residents to come support their neighbors at their organizing meetings. The committee meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Ashland Community Center, 1530 167th Avenue, San Leandro, CA 94578.

For more information about the survey and what a MAC is, make sure you Like and visit the group’s Facebook page and the Website.