What we do / affordable Housing
Shelter & Services to Create Stable Homes for Families
We know that quality, affordable housing is scarce and nearly impossible to find. As a result, many of our friends and neighbors have found themselves in unexpected situations, which can include couch-surfing, temporarily living in their cars, or in even less stable conditions.
We work with those needing shelter to find and maintain units that are affordable based on the family’s income and are located in the area where the family is rooted.
Our sister organiziation, Family Emergency Shelter Coalition (FESCO), helps you connect to Alameda County’s Coordinated Entry and can offer you shared living space at either our Les Marquis Shelter or Banyan Transitional House, complete with warm meals and access to counseling. Some families are eligible for temporary rental assistance and other financial supports. Our Housing Specialist works daily with landlords to find new opportunities for you.
Our team members have worked to successfully help connect people to housing for over 35 years and many of them have personally experienced homelessness, either directly or within their families. This creates an space where you can get what you need and begin to replace fear and uncertainty with hope for the future. For more information or to become a supporter of FESCO, visit www.FescoFamilyShelter.org.
Complete our “Get Connected” form to schedule a session and start building towards stable housing today!

In 2021, FESCO housed 223 individuals on any given night who were experiencing homelessness. 15,468 nights were provided to families at our Banyan House & Les Marquis Shelter. 41,106 meals were served.
Looking for Housing services?
Lisa and her three children moved to FESCO’s Banyan House after learning about the program from a member of a church they had been living at for several months; after Lisa lost her job.
Lisa expressed how challenging it had been to secure employment due to the medical needs of her daughter. Lisa’s 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with Brittle Bone Disease. Her condition had resulted in several surgeries in addition to regular follow up medical appointments.
During Lisa’s time at Banyan House, she was linked to resources which provided much needed support for childcare, employment, and counseling services. Lisa commented that Banyan became her “refuge of hope”. In five months time, Lisa has secured full time employment, and the support she desperately needed with the care of her special needs child. Most recently, Lisa received the phone call that she was accepted for an apartment!
Les Marquis Shelter
23-bed emergency shelter that houses up to 8 families of all configurations which provides safe, warm housing, food, case management, life skills classes, employment training, parenting classes and children’s activities.
Banyan Transitional House and Les Marquis Shelter
Providing transitional housing for 6 months to homeless families who need extra time to gain employment or attend school/vocational training. Designed for families with children who are coming from a shelter or similar facility.