Executive Leadership Team

Aaron Ortiz, MPA
Aaron Ortiz, Chief Executive Officer of The Alliance for Community Wellness DBA La Familia (La Familia) began his work experience with the Boys and Girls Club through the Job Training Partnership Act, presently known as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). His experience with the Boys and Girls Clubs changed his life path forever, which led him to his current role of managing community health clinics for thousands of bay area community members.
Since 1992, Aaron has dedicated his career to helping youth, adults and families by providing public health, education, workforce development, youth development, mental health, community health and culturally competent programs in the Bay Area.
Aaron’s career began at La Familia where he worked from 1992-1997.
Aaron moved on to work for the State of California in 1997-2007 with the Employment Development Department. He was the youngest Employment Program Representative for the State and assisted in implementing the Cal JOBS employment match system. Keeping to his passion of working with the hardest to serve, Aaron began work for California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as the Employment Program Coordinator for the Parole Office in the East Bay for the State of California. Simultaneously, Aaron worked for Hayward Unified School District as a certificated teacher and Program Director of (WIOA) programs. During those 13 years, Aaron has been responsible for finding employment for thousands of Bay Area residents.
Aaron is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of East Bay Community Services. He created the organization and brought to life with a vision and strategic plan to serve community. Aaron’s tenacity and business acumen expertise secured over 2.8 million dollars to develop programs for youth and families in just one year.
Aaron became the Chief Executive Officer of La Familia in July 2014. On day one Aaron arrived concluding the merger of East Bay Community Services with La Familia creating a cross-pollination of services and a flagship organization with a countywide approach in Alameda County. Since his arrival he has been responsible for growing the organization into 5 counties and expanded all departments within the agency and added many more. With responsible purposeful growth, Aaron brokered the acquisition of The Latino Commission on Alcohol & Drugs Abuse of Alameda County in January 2015, Family Emergency Shelter Coalition in July 2018, and First Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center La Familia in July 2022. La Familia has truly become the place to be. As of 2023, Aaron and his team has grown La Familia from 30 staff to 300 plus staff.
Aaron has become a leader in the Bay Area by executing successful strategies for programs that serve the most challenging communities in the East Bay. He served as a Sutter Health board member from 2018-2023. Aaron has been instrumental in creating groundbreaking programs and leading initiatives such as: One of the first in California to start COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, Reentry Treatment Team (RTT), In-Home Outreach Team (IHOT), Unaccompanied Youth Immigrant clinical program, the first Peer Respite facility in Northern California and founder of the Veterans Internship Program (VIP) for National Labs.